"When my siblings try to draw a circle to exclude me, I draw a bigger circle to include them" Long before Rosa Parks refuses to sit in the back of the bus in the colored seat and is imprisoned.
Long before Martin Luther King, she was questioning racial segregation.
In 1944 she was accepted into Howard University Law School. She is the only female in her class. She is disparaged by her fellow students and professors: "They wouldn't even let me speak" she would typically say.
In 1954 the US Supreme Court recognized that racial segregation violated the equality clause and that all people should be equal in education, a historic victory based on Polly Murray's thesis.
In 1965 Polly Murray wins a legal battle for gender equality. Six years later, in 1971, Ruth Bader Ginsberg wins the infamous Reed case for gender equality and admits "We weren't inventing anything new, we were saying the same things Polly Murray was saying years before at a time when society wasn't ready to hear them"
Recently (2020), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) won the Supreme Court case to ban discrimination against LGBTI+ people thanks to her legal work.